Applying for a place
Do you have a child who is due to start school in September 2024?
We would like to invite our new to Reception September 2024-2025 parents to a transition meeting held in school on Wednesday 26th June
Times available: 2:00 till 2:45 or 5:30 till 6:15
The meeting will provide you with an opportunity to understand more about your child’s first few weeks in Reception, meet your child’s class teacher and begin to understand the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and expectations. Furthermore, Gail Kelley our Parental Involvement Worker will be at the meeting to discuss our Parent Teachers Association (PTA).
You can find our Admissions Policy on the Policies Page.
If you would like any further information, please contact the school.
Contact Number 01274 567545 or email
‘In-year applications’ are defined as applications for admission to Reception which are submitted on or after the first day of the school year of admission, or applications for any other year group.
Our school is part of the Local Authority’s in-year co-ordination scheme for in-year admissions. Details of this scheme can be found online here In-year applications | Bradford Council or you can contact the School Admissions Team by emailing: or by telephoning 01274 439200.
Parents or carers living within the Bradford District who would like their child to move to our school should first contact their child’s current school to discuss the reasons for the transfer.